TS Angels
Dr. Angello's practice is also the meeting place for the Greater Philadelphia chapter of the TS Angels, a support group which is part of the Renaissance Transgender Association (REA). This is a non-profit, non-political, educational and social support organization founded and designed to educate and support persons regarding transgender issues, sexual orientation, sexual identity or gender identity without prejudice. The Greater Philadelphia chapter of the TS Angels meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month. This dynamic monthly group meets immediately before the Renaissance Transgender Association's monthly gathering. The TS Angels have been in existence since 2000 and average about 10 people each TS Angels meeting. This allows enough time for people to share their transitional experiences, and also is large enough that no one is obligated to share. A brief screening process is required before participating in the group.
Visit the website for more information on dates and times that the TS Angels of Greater Philadelphia meet.